Social Media Optimization: Find out the most popular Social media sites to improve your online presence on giant social media platforms. Share news, updates, articles to promote your brand or services on social media.
The use of social media platforms to improve an organization’s or company’s online presence and brand is known as social media optimization. Social media platforms have been used to help businesses engage with their customers and raise awareness of new goods and services.
Top 20 do follow social media platforms list
2. Pinterest
3. LinkedIn
4. Blogger (Blogspot)
5. Reddit
6. Quora
7. Tumblr
8. Facebook
9. BizSugar
11. Twitter
12. Instagram
13. Myspace
14. Slashdot
15. Getpocket
16. LiveJournal
18. Flipboard
19. Wattpad
Social Media Optimization Techniques
- Create a social media profile page
- Add infographics images, cover page to your profile page
- Optimize your profile
- Focus on keywords
- Keyword research
- Encourage external inbound links
- Share your content
- Create engaging content
- Promote offers on social media
- Schedule quality content regularly
- Focus on Relevant hashtags
- Engaging visuals and text